Tips to rekindle the failing relationship

Most of the families by looking at their housing….I mean when you see them in their place of work and other places you could go thinking oh my God  what a great couple,  but pay them a visit at their home were you will get to know all that is behind the curtains. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

Most of the families by looking at their housing….I mean when you see them in their place of work and other places you could go thinking oh my God  what a great couple,  but pay them a visit at their home were you will get to know all that is behind the curtains. 

The most important thing is not to let all people surrounding you know all the misunderstanding between you and your partner but to look for ways that can bring the misunderstanding them to an end.

Ange Mulisa is a house wife of two children in Kabeza said that being a wife and a husband more like the sister and brother kind of relationship although you’re married.

As everyone leaves his or her family and you became one family, people can never stop doing mistakes but is requires only mutual understanding between the couples.

"Communication is the core point to revive the relationship that is almost on its last strings because all conflicts rise due to lack of communication at home,” Mulisa added.

According to Emmanuel Twangira a student at ULK, the Females tend to make it hard at our side because they never want to be called losers even if they have made a mistake and that is why men end up getting out of the relationship.

But here are some tips to if you want to save your relationship with you partner;
Analyze what is the main cause of the problem without rushing to the conclusion of blaming your partner.

People normally say that the hardest words to say include "thank you and I am sorry” but in relationship after accepting your mistakes just apologize to your partner.

Before you call off a relationship, try to bring back all the good memories that you had with your partner as a point that can make you revive the intimacy the relationship that you had before.

Stop whatever you are doing and make a deliberate effort to touch base with your partner. Spend just an hour everyday talking to them.

The most powerful thing to do in relationship is to forgive and forget. Many can forgive but they don’t forget, at every point when you keep reminding your partner of his or her past wrong doings, this causes problems in your relationship.

In relationships there is no seniority but mutual understanding for the sake of the children.