What is the problem honourable ministers?

When Education ministers appeared before parliamentarians last month over the reported genocide ideology in schools, we thought their explanations were realistic.

Monday, January 21, 2008

When Education ministers appeared before parliamentarians last month over the reported genocide ideology in schools, we thought their explanations were realistic.

But barely a month parliamentarians want them back into the House on the same issue, after some of them discovered that one of them contradicted herself in many ways, sometimes disowning their statements. Please, honourable ministers, you should be open while giving your statements.

We would think that of course you do not have anything to do with genocide ideology in schools, since you are not the direct supervisors of the students. But since you are the supervisors of the schools, you are liable.

We hope that you will be able to absolve yourselves of this iniquitous problem before long.

Rwamagana-Eastern Porvince