Farmers advised to apply for RIF loans

GICUMBI - Farmers have been encouraged to acquire government loans provided through the Rural Investment Facility (RIF) so as to boost agriculture through increased production.

Friday, September 17, 2010

GICUMBI - Farmers have been encouraged to acquire government loans provided through the Rural Investment Facility (RIF) so as to boost agriculture through increased production.

The call was made on Tuesday, by Gicumbi District vice Mayor for Economic Affairs, Ildephonse Butera, during a meeting with farmers, bank representatives, local leaders and agronomists. 

"Rural Investment Facility is a Ministry of Agriculture initiative to boost agricultural production in the country and guarantee food security,” said Butera.

Butera added that the second phase of RIF funds targets many farmers in Gicumbi district because it is endowed with a climate that is favourable for boosting the growth of Irish potatoes, bananas, fruits, beans and green vegetables.

"Sector Executive Secretaries should endeavour to sensitise many farmers to access the loans because the government will service 25 percent of each loan,” he revealed.

During the meeting, a progressive farmer from Muko Sector, Camille Bashitsi, testified how he managed to boost his production after acquiring Rfw 10 million from RIF.

"RIF funds have enabled me to increase the size of my banana plantation, where the yield has also doubled,” said Bashitsi.

Another farmer from Bwisige Sector, Claude Mutabazi appealed to fellow farmers to take advantage of the loans so as to eradicate poverty and uplift their economic status. 
