3, 000 to get telephone handsets on credit

WESTERN PROVINCE NYAMASHEKE — The district has secured a loan of Frw33 million to buy telephone handsets that would be given to about 3000 residents next month, on credit, the district mayor said.

Monday, January 21, 2008


NYAMASHEKE — The district has secured a loan of Frw33 million to buy telephone handsets that would be given to about 3000 residents next month, on credit, the district mayor said.

Addressing a district consultative meeting in Gagano Sector over the weekend, Vincent Muragwa said that the move intended for low income residents is meant to improve communication systems in the area.

Each phone is said to cost between Frw12, 000 and 15,000 and the district in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure, has already secured a loan of Frw33 millions from Rwanda Development Bank (RDB), towards the purchase of the facilities, said the mayor.

"In February we intend to buy 3000 mobile phones for 3000 residents drawn from all sectors of the district who are deemed unable to afford lump-sum amount for buying telephones," Muragwa said.

The solar-charged handsets would be supplied by Mobile Telephone Network provider (MTN) and the beneficiaries will pay for the facilities within a period of a year.

The district would reportedly buy another batch of other 2000 telephone handsets, for other residents after the first batch.
