What Makes Career Women Poor Marriage Material?

For some reason, feminists want women to become men. Now, I don’t really think they believe they are the ‘superior sex.’ Why? Because if they were, why would they want to become men?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

For some reason, feminists want women to become men. Now, I don’t really think they believe they are the ‘superior sex.’ Why? Because if they were, why would they want to become men? For some reason, feminists feel that women are inferior because they haven’t accomplished all the things that men have.

You can see this feeling of inferiority anytime a woman beats a man at something because it is paraded as a huge accomplishment. But what they don’t realize is the things women have achieved over the last few thousand years are not inferior, they too were very important.

Since when did being a good mother who cares for and brings up good, functioning kids become demeaning? The woman’s natural job is the nurturer, while the man’s natural job is the provider and protector. Both jobs are essential, and a woman who is nurturing her children is not being oppressed.

All the great politicians, monarchs, CEOs, scientists, and philosophers would not have been who they were without the care and nourishment from their mothers.

When the feminists claim being a housewife is ‘demeaning,’ what they are really saying is that it is less important than the husband’s job. This gives out the message that women aren’t good enough. In the past, men realized that women’s jobs were important, and the two sexes complemented each other nicely. It wasn’t men who started the idea that women were inferior, it was
