Residents get electricity

WESTERN PROVINCE NYABIHU — Most residents of Mukamira settlement [Umudugudu] were last year connected to the electricity grid, the district mayor, Charles Ngirabatwari said.

Monday, January 21, 2008


NYABIHU — Most residents of Mukamira settlement [Umudugudu] were last year connected to the electricity grid, the district mayor, Charles Ngirabatwari said.

While touring the district last week, Ngirabatwari said: "Our district achieved a lot in 2007 through the government’s policy of decentralization. These include bringing electricity to the people. Most of the Imidugudu in Mukamira have electricity and we have managed to complete 14 houses for the homeless Genocide survivors."

Ngirabatwari said that the district was committed to provide decent shelter to all Genocide survivors by the end of 2008. He thanked residents and local leaders for their efforts in ‘making the performance contracts a reality’ saying, Nyabihu had achieved 93 percent of the goals signed in the 2007 performance contract.

"I would like to thank all residents in Nyabihu for your support. Our success is not only attributed to the leaders but also to you the residents for implementing these policies." he said.

He further observed that unlike in the past when most patients were carried on stretchers to health centres, the district managed to secure four more ambulances to save lives.

"With six ambulances, we have managed to reduce death of patients and expectant mothers who formerly died before reaching the hospitals and health centers. We hope for the best in 2008," he said.

He called on local leaders and residents to work closely with the district authorities in the implementation of government policies.

Noel Kanamugire, the Mukamira Sector coordinator promised to encourage residents to join cooperative societies and practice extensive growing of crops to eradicate poverty in their midst.

He said that the district was gathering improved Maize and Irish potato seeds which would be provided to farmers for better yields. He asked members of the recently formed traditional school –Intore- to be instrumental in the implementation of the government policies.

"There is need for reinforced and solid partnership between residents, the district and the other local authorities to fight poverty. This can be achieved through collective actions initiated and carried out by both the leaders and the communities," explained Kanamugire.
