AS a result of the partnership between the Government of Rwanda and South Korea, the country will soon have a modern hatchery with the capacity to process 100,000 eggs per month.
AS a result of the partnership between the Government of Rwanda and South Korea, the country will soon have a modern hatchery with the capacity to process 100,000 eggs per month.
According to Rwanda Animal Resources Development Authority (RARDA), the country imports 2 million eggs every year to supplement the existing hatcheries. But once the new one starts operating, the national supply deficit for both broilers and layers will be bridged.
At $3million, the machine may seem costly, but the principle of partnership remains the same. The country’s agricultural sector has already registered remarkable growth as a result of policies such as land consolidation, with farmers reaping more profits from working collectively.
Considering that most of the modern agricultural equipment is costly, farmers should seriously look into forming partnerships with either regional or global companies to boost their production.
Additionally, for long, the country has been exporting unprocessed products which have often been sold at low prices.
However, with the availability of processing machinery, farmers will not only be able to export products with value added, but will also be in position to cater for the local market.
The agriculture sector is one of the priority areas for the government. Various incentives including low interest loans are available for investors in agriculture.
However, to maximize the potential of the agricultural sector it is important that partnerships are established.