Wishing the new NUR Guild success

Editor, I read in the Sunday Times that the National University of Rwanda, my alma mater, had elected a new Guild. Having personally seen just what a hullabaloo it can be, I’m pleased that we barely heard any bad news about it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010
The National University of Rwanda Student Union elected a new Guild.


I read in the Sunday Times that the National University of Rwanda, my alma mater, had elected a new Guild. Having personally seen just what a hullabaloo it can be, I’m pleased that we barely heard any bad news about it.

A few years ago, acts of divisionism and genocide ideology were occurring during the guild elections and it’s nice to see that this evil has been stamped out.

As a student then, I was shocked that some of the best minds in the country were still using ethnic labels to get votes; I always found it cheap politics and refused to participate in the entire charade.

I want to commend the Rector’s tough stance then, to replace the entire guild. Now, we can see that mature politics is being practiced.

Sam Rwego