Kamonyi celebrates Kagame’s victory

KIGALI - A large number of the residents of Kamonyi District, yesterday, gathered to celebrate President Paul Kagame’s victory in the recent presidential elections. At the function, held at Kamonyi Stadium and attended by President Kagame, people sang and danced to victory songs.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

KIGALI - A large number of the residents of Kamonyi District, yesterday, gathered to celebrate President Paul Kagame’s victory in the recent presidential elections. At the function, held at Kamonyi Stadium and attended by President Kagame, people sang and danced to victory songs.

President Kagame thanked the people of Kamonyi for electing him, saying that he learnt from Sports Minister Joseph Habineza that residents of Kamonyi would hold a victory party and decided to join them.

He said that there is a lot that has been achieved in the past seven years and that one of the major lessons drawn from his previous mandate is that nothing is impossible if people are committed to what they do, adding that no doubt the country will achieve a lot more in the next seven years.

President Kagame observed that during the presidential elections, it was clear that Rwandans had understood their strength and confidence in developing the nation and that the opportunity should not go unexploited.

The President noted that nothing can ever break the power, will and the knowledge Rwandans have built within themselves.

He, however, said that celebrations should not only be about the achievements, emphasising that Rwandans should also celebrate the opportunity to choose the future they want.

President Kagame encouraged the residents of Kamonyi to continue working hard, pointing out that even developed nations used their people to get where they are.
He added that if people wrongly use their knowledge and energy, the end results are negative and that it’s a matter of choice for the people to decide what they want.

The President remarked that the choice Rwandans made in the presidential elections was not about Kagame as an Individual, but about the progressive activities they want from the RPF and Kagame as their leader.

He said that the job of renovating and building has just started and that it is possible for Rwanda to develop to a level comparable with the already developed nations.
President Kagame pointed out that detractors have continued to attack the country, because Rwanda is gaining prominence in the world, and that before, all they knew about the country was the Genocide.

Kagame also pledged his support for the development of Kamonyi District and asked the residents to take the lead in charting the progress of their district.

Paul Mubirigi, an entrepreneur from Kamonyi District, outlined the achievements recorded by the district under President Kagame’s leadership and also pointed out some key areas of focus in the next seven years.

He said that some of the achievements include peace and security, economic development, social welfare, infrastructure, education, agricultural development, and poverty eradication, among others.
