Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt SilviaI am a young and beautiful lady. I have a well paying job, and have been enjoying some favours from my boss at my work place in exchange of an illicit love affair.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dear Aunt Silvia
I am a young and beautiful lady. I have a well paying job, and have been enjoying some favours from my boss at my work place in exchange of an illicit love affair.

Recently the company recruited new staff and one of the new girls in our office seems to have caught the eye of the same boss that am having an affair with.

He no longer asks me for anything, and he even takes this girl for lunch and dinner every single day of the week. Am boiling with anger and feel I should inform my bosses’ wife about his affair with this new girl.


Dear Pinky,

What makes you think that if you inform your bosses’ wife about his affair with his new girl will save you from anything?

First of all, you will be the first girl she will deal with before she goes to the new girl, simply because you were the first girl in that office to have an affair with her husband before the new girl came into picture, so don’t think spilling the beans to her will make you a sacred cow.

The other thing is that you should be ready to pack your bags once the shit hits the fan. Your former lover will turn into your former boss, don’t think his messing around with girls in the office is an excuse that he hates his wife and therefore wants a divorce from his wife.

In fact, such players are so careful with their wives and protective of their families that they are rarely suspected of any innuendos by their wives, therefore you are treading on dangerous ground by wanting to break someone’s marriage.

This you should let the wife find out for herself.

Thirdly, you should know that office flings never last, they only last as long as there is no new girl on the block, once there is a new girl in the office then know that your time is over and you are better off swallowing the bitter pill silently, rather than wanting to create a scene, earning the name of a drama queen, and a summary dismissal from your job.

This should be a lesson to you and all the girls who think that having illicit love affairs with their bosses will save them from anything at the workplace. In fact you will be surprised that these same men are the ones who usually in closed door meetings will suggest to the company that you be dismissed for lack of competence.

Therefore, you have two options here; either you swallow the bitter pill silently, dust your shoulder as if nothing has happened, do your job as usual and life continues, or be a jealous Jane and face the sacking.

The ball is in your court girl, play the way you want it, but be warned about having affairs in the office, they are very unprofessional and also cheapen one’s dignity.
