A day in the life of....

Blaise Uhagaze is a medical doctor but currently working as the Director of PAPSDSK, a project government is undertaking in collaboration with the Belgium government in developing the city`s health sector.  Below is his typical day of work.

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Blaise Uhagaze

Blaise Uhagaze is a medical doctor but currently working as the Director of PAPSDSK, a project government is undertaking in collaboration with the Belgium government in developing the city`s health sector.  Below is his typical day of work.

I wake up at 5:30a.m and awake my children too to prepare for school. I take a bath and listen to news both local and international. If I have enough time, I also have breakfast before dropping my children to school.

By 7a.m, I am at work. Before I do anything else, I check on my staff and later get to the office.

I start my computer to check the internet before taking a look at the days’ agenda.

My work comprises meeting different partners with whom we are running the project, coordinating various activities especially technical work as well as approving certain reports.

I also attend meetings with Kigali city officials and other stakeholders.

I have lunch at around 1p.m. Work goes on until 6 but I sometimes find myself leaving the office at 7 due to certain duties that have to be accomplished.

Although it is not possible to get home immediately after work, I sometimes try it out.

At home, I relax with my family as we follow the evening news. I have supper at 9 and get to bed by 10p.m

Photo. G Mugoya