INSIGHTS: Proper behaviour is needed in public places

Some people in Kigali are fond of indulging in other people’s business without any form of courtesy. These people do not care about respecting someone else’s privacy and such people are becoming a real nuisance in our society today.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Some people in Kigali are fond of indulging in other people’s business without any form of courtesy. These people do not care about respecting someone else’s privacy and such people are becoming a real nuisance in our society today.

There are individuals whose genes must be inclined to peeping. Seated besides you in a public transport vehicle, they will crane their necks to catch a glimpse of what you’re doing with your phone. If you’re sending or reading a text message, they will struggle to read it with you without any embarrassment. Your cold stare will not deter them at all.

At the cyber cafès these people will try to catch a glimpse of what one is doing on their computers. I have no problem with those who will peep into the day’s newspaper or magazine. These are there for public consumption, but not private messages or Internet interactions.

When one is in a restaurant or public transport and having a conversation with someone, these people will be curious to listen to your conversation and some will even stare at you as if they are involved in the conversation.

The worst though are those who peep into the gents’ toilet. The men’s urinals are designed in such a way that many men can use them at the same time. Instead of concentrating on the business, some men will be seen trying to catch a glimpse of the other’s private parts. Some will do it discreetly and others not so discreetly.

"Hey dude, are you interested in the size, shape, colour or what?” one feels like shouting to the peeping Toms. This might be the reason why many men will prefer the corner of the urinal, away from prying eyes.

Maybe I’m being too suspicious and always on the lookout for evil eyes, yet the intensity and object of their stares often leaves beads of sweat on my brow.