INSIGHTS: Perseverance pays

Through, ”THE NEW TIMES”, I came to know of the grand success of Abdallah Cyusa in a Quran recital competition held in Dubai. This child seemed young enough to learn and deliver complex verses and phrases of Quran but yet he succeeded. I convey my heartiest congratulations to him and his family.

Saturday, September 11, 2010
Quran recitation contest winners pose with their awards. Abdallah Cyusa is in the front (Courtesy photo)

Through, ”THE NEW TIMES”, I came to know of the grand success of Abdallah Cyusa in a Quran recital competition held in Dubai. This child seemed young enough to learn and deliver complex verses and phrases of Quran but yet he succeeded. I convey my heartiest congratulations to him and his family.

It is   examination time for all students in Rwanda, and all would want to be successful in their exams. Maybe they can take a clue from   this young boy.

What   is needed to succeed in exams is perseverance in studies.

The word, "perseverance” literally   means prolongation of an activity or repetitive activity. In context of students it would refer to   studying.

It is the studies done regularly which help students to become successful in their examinations. Since day one of school, or university a pupil needs to chalk out a time table which he needs to adhere to strictly.  This time table should include time for eating, bathing, sleeping and studying as these are   the most essential activities for him. In between small time can be squeezed out for entertainment.

It is not only essential to spend time for studies but it should be quality time.  For the entire time one sits with books, attention should be focused on the topic being read. If the mind wanders from the text, even sitting for hours together is of no use. In this era of electronic entertainment, I think this is the most difficult thing for students. 

One   may read a lesson for one hour and then spend one hour on internet, chatting with friends. Now whatever he or she has learnt in one hour will be wiped out at least partially, if not totally. It is not only the internet, but music and videos on computers, mobile phones, Ipods, pubs, discos, list of distractions is very long and they are too easily accessible to youngsters. But if a person wants to obtain good grades he has to exercise some self discipline and refrain from using them till exams are over. 

 In fact, when a student needs a change from studies, it should be in the form of some healthy recreation. Reading newspapers or classics, doing some work in garden, walking or indulging in some sports are kind of activities which will freshen-up the mind and not distract it.  A student can try to recall what he has read while indulging in some other activity like bathing or eating. This kind of all and all focused reading will automatically help him to score better.

Those who study in high school or university would benefit much if they practice to write. Whatever they read, they should attempt to write it in their own words, whether it has been asked in school or not. If they maintain this practice it shall benefit them in many ways till they graduate. Firstly they will improve speed of writing which shall be very useful in their exams.

They can finish writing their exam well ahead of time and also find time to review the answers before submitting the answer sheets. Secondly when they keep on writing notes, they shall have ready notes to read just before exams. Few days before exams, they will not have to   search for the study material in text books or computers. 

Students who write regularly with concentration can recall mentally very easily what they have read while facing an exam. One can try it. It seems as if the entire pages come in front of one’s eyes vividly. This gives them a superior edge over other students.

It is also important to eat well and sleep adequately while preparing for exams. This helps in keeping the body healthy and mind fresh. Some students mistakenly think that studying till late in the night will help them do better. But it is not so. Unless one has studied with perseverance regularly, keeping awake will not help him. Rather deprivation of sleep can boggle the mind, affecting the performance.

Thus those who desire to succeed should get down to serious studies with perseverance and they will definitely be paid by grand success.