Have you asked?

SUNDAY SERMON - One of Jim Reeves’ songs titled: My Heart is in Rosario captivated my spiritual part. It tells of a cowboy who worked at a Ranch in Rosario wherein also lived a very beautiful lady.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

SUNDAY SERMON - One of Jim Reeves’ songs titled: My Heart is in Rosario captivated my spiritual part. It tells of a cowboy who worked at a Ranch in Rosario wherein also lived a very beautiful lady.

The cowboy was in love with this girl but he never mentioned that he loved her hoping that the girl would realize by herself that she was loved; only to get married to another person.

So heartbroken, the cowboy left the ranch and went riding in the wild for ever. The girl was not aware that the cowboy loved her. He never asked her for love.

The above illustration confirms what is written in James 4:2 "…You do not have because you do not ask God” Many would not understand why God, who knows everything, can not just pour out his blessings on them even when they have not asked. After all, they argue, God is aware of their needs.

But the answer is contained in another story. There was a cat which was deep asleep on the floor when, out of the blue, a rat fell from the ceiling and landed on it.

The cat woke up suddenly, looked at the rat and, instead of thanking God for the meal and catching the rat; it is the cat which took off in fright.

Though rats are food for cats, this food (rat) had come so unexpectedly that it was doubtful what its mission was. It had never witnessed where food landed on one’s lap without a struggle.

That is the same way I would react if God delivered a Mercedes Benz at my door step in the night. My most predictable reaction would be to run to the police and report the presence of a mysterious car on my doorstep.

That is why God wants us to ask so that He can give us what we have asked for. In Matthew 7:9 Jesus tells his disciples that when a child asks the father for bread, he can not give him a stone, or if a child asks for fish, the father can not give the child a snake.

He concludes that: "If you, then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask!”

Asking God for whatever you need is a sign of humility and a recognition that you depend on the one giving. Many Christians do not ask from God because they consider it ‘selfish’ to ask for many blessings. Some even think it is a sign of spiritual immaturity to ask God constantly for many things.

But again it can truly be a sign of selfishness if you are always asking things for yourself like in the story of the young woman who always prayed, "Lord give me a husband” One day the Pastor noticed her plight and advised her that she should also pray for other people not herself.

The following day she was in church she changed her prayer; "Lord, take pity on my mother, please give her a son-in-law” Yes, that was a self-seeking prayer which shows a sign of spiritual immaturity.

It is not wrong to ask God for whatever you need, but first you must humble yourself and realize that you do not deserve the item you are requesting except that God in His kind mercy and Grace could grant your request.

When you ask God for something, He may first of all prepare you to receive before He grants your request. If you asked for a car, He may wait as you first go to a driving school and obtain a driving licence. God will try to make your roots go deeper before He gives you the heavy responsibility.

However, there are some prayers God likes to hear. Prayers like: "God grant me a large measure of your Grace; God grant me deeper insight and understanding; God grant me more resources so that I can use them for your Glory” You need to realize that you will always miss 100% of the things you have not asked from God.

Contact: redplan20002001@yahoo.com