Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia,I have been engaged to my fiancé for the last eight years. He is not working and he seems to like spending most of his time in bed and driving around in my car. When I met him he was a student, and then graduated two years later.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Dear Aunt Silvia,
I have been engaged to my fiancé for the last eight years. He is not working and he seems to like spending most of his time in bed and driving around in my car. When I met him he was a student, and then graduated two years later.

Even during his college days he used to just go to school pass by my house and laze around without even helping me with any chores in the house.

I persevered and thought to myself maybe after graduating he will change his ways and be a hard working man. Six years down the line, he is not bothered to look for a job, according to him, he is always applying for jobs but has never been called even to a single interview.

This is a man whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, but I have been thinking twice about it of late. What do I do?


Dear Dora,
This man is not worth your salt baby, send him packing very fast before he leaves you with babies who will carry his lazy genes.

It is the first time I am hearing that a person has applied for jobs for six years and failed to have been called even for a single interview! And a graduate for the matter, such a white lie.

Your so called fiancé is one of those young men who like living off women. To him there is no need to look for a job when all his needs and wants are taken care of by his woman.

Am sorry to say this, but most women who find themselves in this kind of situation have brought this to themselves.

How can you spoon feed a man for all these years and still be with him? You see if the situation was that he once worked and lost his job then it is understandable, but feeding a man who does not want to work and has never made an effort to work and earn a decent living is preposterous!

You see, had you not invited him to come and live with you, where you pay his rent, feed him and even give him your car to cruise in, he would have had the urge to get a job and take care of his needs. But then why worry about these things when there is someone who can do all the worrying for him?

That man is not good for you, even the bible says that a man who refuses to work should not eat, so why feed that statue of a man?

There are good and responsible men out there go out and mingle and meet the love of your life, a man who knows the value of a woman.

A man who will love and cherish you, a person who will be there for you at all times, a man who knows why a woman was created for him; to be his helper and not his ATM machine.

Nature has created women to be taken care of by their men and not vice versa, even though in this era of liberated people, more women are taking over the roles of the men in their lives willingly. 

But when it comes to being forced into such a situation, the best thing is to walk out and never look back.
