Society Debate: Is it fair to pay entrance fee at the EXPO?

It’s completely unnecessary I was at EXPO the other day and I indeed paid that Rwf500 entrance fee. I walked in and moved around, looking at the different things that were on offer. Originally my plan was to just go and have a look, pass time maybe.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

It’s completely unnecessary

I was at EXPO the other day and I indeed paid that Rwf500 entrance fee. I walked in and moved around, looking at the different things that were on offer. Originally my plan was to just go and have a look, pass time maybe.

I can tell you that by the time I left, I’d bought stuff I’m not even sure I’d have bought had I seen them anywhere else. EXPO is like that. It makes you want to buy things.

I’m certain that everyone who has thought of going there to just take a look eventually walked away with an item or two.

It’s no wonder that you hear someone telling you that they can’t go to EXPO with no money because it’s just too alluring. How then does it become fair for people to be charged entrance fee when all they do is spend their hard-earned cash?

I walked through hordes of people just watching them get caught up in the excitement of it all. There were those who supported the beer companies so well because thanks to them, the cash registers were fully loaded by the time of their departure!

Whether it’s a pair of earrings, shoes, a dress or an ice cream cone, something has to be bought.  People go there to do specifically that so it’s not fair that they should be charged to go and shop! It’s like charging someone to enter a supermarket or any other market for that matter.

The prices might not be as cheap as people say but that doesn’t stop them from filling their bags with items. It’s not every day that you get to see that kind of crowd just pushing through each other trying to buy whatever they come across.

I understand that as humans we want to make money in as many ways as possible but some things just need to be excused. For instance, you have people paying at the entrance and then once in they have to once again spill bucks to check out the cultural house!

That is a total rip off and simply ridiculous if you ask me. Just because people have come to spend at the EXPO doesn’t mean they have a lot of money to throw around on things anyone can see at an art auction, free of charge! No one complains, at least not loud enough about the absurdity of this ‘small’ issue.

Now someone else might say ‘what’s the big deal? It’s only 5Rwf00!’ Please, add another Rwf500 to that and you could get yourself the most exquisite pair of original African earrings you’ve ever seen. This is coming from a woman who was just there so don’t say I’m exaggerating.

People don’t go there to lounge around, well, maybe a few do but the majority are there on a mission; a mission that won’t end until the last day of EXPO. Making people pay everyday they show up is just not fair at all.