Well this week I just feel like there is a lot to write about but let’s see; there are these people in our society who are copy cats! They copy everything others do!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Well this week I just feel like there is a lot to write about but let’s see; there are these people in our society who are copy cats! They copy everything others do!

The problem is not trying out what others are doing; the problem is copy and paste! Now some of you may not understand what I mean by copy and paste, do not blame me, blame your computer teacher (that’s in case you have one anyway)!

What I mean is that you take up someone’s idea and implement it as your own! You do not try to improve it but instead you just spoil it and after continue to spoil the name of the initiator!

This is a very bad habit with our society. For example this thing of "Miss” everything! Soon we shall also have ‘Miss Monkey’, ‘Miss Clean Roads’, ‘Miss Umuganda”….please spare us!

This is so nagging since the whole idea of beauty pageants is losing meaning because they have made it monotonous. Please let’s style up and at least have standard beauty contests! Until then, I remain yours without fear or favor.
