KIBS… She is leaving me

Hello Dr. Innocent,There is this chick that I had just begun dating but she is leaving soon. She is going back to school in the U.S! How can I make things happen long distance between us?Alfonse IFAK

Monday, September 06, 2010

Hello Dr. Innocent,
There is this chick that I had just begun dating but she is leaving soon. She is going back to school in the U.S! How can I make things happen long distance between us?
Alfonse IFAK

Dear Alfonse,

Relationships can be very tricky! However yours just needs to be based on building trust, understanding and above all communication. If you are really sure about the way you feel for her, then this should be just seen as a challenge.

As they say, try to see every challenge as an opportunity! Make sure that even when she leaves, keep in touch! Once in a while give her a call and at least try to inbox her via Facebook or email her. Please try not to push things so fast! Time builds and you should keep that in mind. 

Ladies are people who need to be taken softly especially when you want to build a long lasting relationship with them. Make sure that before she leaves you take her maybe, for dinner or lunch and try to get to know her more.

Please do not talk about your feelings but make sure you create a lasting impression. This will be a ladder for you.

Good luck!
Dr. Innocent
