Prisons officers trained on leadership

Close to 100 prison directors and officers from around the country, yesterday took part in training on leadership qualities, specifically prisons management, team work and customer care.

Sunday, September 05, 2010
A training session for the Prison staff, Thursday. (Photo; T. Kisambira)

Close to 100 prison directors and officers from around the country, yesterday took part in training on leadership qualities, specifically prisons management, team work and customer care.

The one-day workshop which was held in Kigali was organized and facilitated by Cornerstone Africa in partnership with Frontiers Adventures Great Lakes.

In an interview with The New Times, the Director of Operations and Procedures in the National Prisons Service, Emmanuel Misingo, said that the training aimed at improving methods of operations of prisons officers by improving their skills.

"We want to change people’s attitude and perception towards prisons services by turning them into a customer based providers; whereby all prisons’ authorities are empowered to help inmates through effective rehabilitation and resettlement programmes,” Misingo said.

Misingo added that the prisons service is working closely with other institutions such as justice, police and NGOs to find ways of assisting prisons directors to build a beneficial and respectful relationship with their subordinates.
