Jobseeker’s diary

It’s that time of the month again – pay day I mean. The money is not a lot but it makes all the hard work and weeks of waiting worth it. This time, I’m determined to manage my money well. I had planned to save some and probably take it to the bank so I’m not tempted to spend it. I can be reckless sometimes!

Saturday, September 04, 2010

It’s that time of the month again – pay day I mean. The money is not a lot but it makes all the hard work and weeks of waiting worth it. This time, I’m determined to manage my money well. I had planned to save some and probably take it to the bank so I’m not tempted to spend it. I can be reckless sometimes!

But just as I was about to do that, Jane asked me to lend her some money to top up her son’s school fees. What I find odd is that just the other week; she said she didn’t have money since she had used most of her salary to pay Dennis’ school fees so I was a bit confused.

Jane also said she paid the maid but she (maid) claims she hasn’t received a coin in months. Things couldn’t be stranger. I decided to give Jane half the amount she had asked for, for two reasons. From her conflicting accounts about monetary issues, I’m not sure I can trust her word anymore – what if she just decides not to pay me back?

After all, I crushed (and still do) at her house for months without paying rent. Secondly, I really need to put some money aside to fall back on in case of an emergency. Of course Jane didn’t seem thrilled by the amount I gave her, but I’ve long decided that sometimes you need to be "selfish” to get ahead in life.

And lately, Jane also has a funny if not irritating way of asking me to buy things at home. I mean I’m happy to contribute where I can but then again, I can only do so much. The other day, I got home to learn that they were waiting for me to buy sugar and sauce for that night’s supper.

This, after I’d bought a kilo of sugar and lots other goodies just three days before! Then yesterday, Jane sent the maid to tell me she didn’t have transport and so needed some money from me. Now I found that sneaky and wondered why she didn’t ask me directly. Apart from that, of all the times I struggled to get work, Jane never gave me even 10 Francs for transport.

When I don’t have money to cover the taxi or bus fare, I ask for lifts or walk to work and back home. I only obliged because I remembered I live in her house. I don’t want her to think I’m ungrateful and unwilling to spend but at the same time, I don’t want to be exploited. Jane doesn’t know the exact amount I earn but she knows the range for my kind of job.

Still, I somehow feel she thinks I have this stack of cash to throw around. My hope right now is that these other people we live with, find jobs and chip in too but they just sit around and wait for Jane and I to foot all the bills, and it looks like that’s not about to change.

Times are tough and I just can’t believe three able-bodied people well above 18 can just sit at home doing nothing. I would feel a lot better if they just tried to look for work. It’s the least they can do because surely, jobs aren’t going to come looking for them!

To be continued....