Open labour market: A dream come true

Opening up the labour market is a dream come true for several foreigners living in Rwanda.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Opening up the labour market is a dream come true for several foreigners living in Rwanda.

Now that the labour market is open, quality service will be offered. People will do the best they can, having in mind that there are so many people out there eyeing that very position they hold. That way, competition will motivate people to produce their best.

I also want to thank the authorities for thinking about reducing the bureaucracy levels which in most cases slows down the normal running of activities. What would have taken a day takes three just because there are many people working on the same case and at the end of it all the bureaucratic process encourages corruption.

By allowing foreigners to have and own land, that is not bad but it calls for a lot of consideration as land has become a hot issue here in Uganda. "Once bitten twice careful," But it a good idea and the allocation of land to investors is too a good thing to venture into as this will stimulate the process at which investor come into you country.

As a Ugandan that was and still is part of the East African Community I want to take this opportunity also to thank my Rwandan brothers for joining the body! It is a good idea to have the work permits to stay put as that will be the only way you can ensure who is in to work, where they operate, and also as a commitment to your country.

