University students asked to join family planning campaign

EASTERN PROVINCE KAYONZA — The involvement of University students in the family planning campaign would go a long way in reducing population explosion, a district official said.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


KAYONZA — The involvement of University students in the family planning campaign would go a long way in reducing population explosion, a district official said.

Addressing district, Sector officials and University students hailing from Kayonza, on Wednesday, Anitha Umutesi, the district Vice Mayor in charge of social affairs said University students would be instrumental in improving the general health situation in the area.

The two-day meeting, held at the district headquarters, meant to lay strategies to improve health in the district was also attended by Hospital directors and directors of health centers in the district.

"The youth are resourceful people, and University youth are more enlightened on population and health issues. We should involve them in government programs because they are future leaders," she said adding, "By involving youth we would achieve our target of attaining 100% in population control and health, in the performance contracts."

She said the district has asked parents to allow those students to work with district leaders during holidays in activities geared towards poverty eradication.

She also asked the youth to embrace health insurance scheme (mituelle de sante) saying, health was the key to development. Several other government programs were also discussed during the meeting including economic revolution, living in communal settlements; and the students were urged to sensitize residents about them.

Accepting the assignment, one of the youth said some of them have acquired specific training in health and population issues that would be useful to residents.
