“TEEN Medic”

LIVE LONGER WITH YOGHURT Today we are going to talk about the uses of taking yoghurt regularly. Firstly we all must know that yoghurt is not just a “kids thing” no, because we all need it for good health. Did you know the marvelous wonders of drinking yoghurt? If not, read on!

Monday, August 30, 2010


Today we are going to talk about the uses of taking yoghurt regularly. Firstly we all must know that yoghurt is not just a "kids thing” no, because we all need it for good health. Did you know the marvelous wonders of drinking yoghurt? If not, read on!

• It stops cancer e.g.  biotic guards against breast cancer
• It helps in fighting pneumonia and colds
• It  prevents bad breaths
• It helps  in reducing weight around the waist
• It has  calcium which  helps  in strengthening bones
• It reduces blood pressure
• It is a  great medicine for  intestinal infections
• Yoghurt promotes long life according to scientists.

Though it’s got a lot of uses, yoghurt must not be taken as the sole meal because it lacks some important nutrients like Iron, Vitamin C and fiber. So dear Teens, it’s high time you bought yourselves just a tin of yoghurt or at least pass by the popular milk kiosks and grab a glass of yoghurt at Rwf200 only—it’s better that buying chewing gum that has no nutritional value. A glass a day will definitely keep the doctor away teens!
