Part 1 : “WHO AM I!??” Kalisa asked

As Kalisa, 19, came in, heart thumping so fast (I guess it was something like 78 beats/minute), he seemed not to care about the stares. He looked to be in complete confusion like his life was messed up.

Monday, August 30, 2010
Finding your Identity means looking up to a higher power.

As Kalisa, 19, came in, heart thumping so fast (I guess it was something like 78 beats/minute), he seemed not to care about the stares. He looked to be in complete confusion like his life was messed up.

He sat down on a stool and uttered out these words, "what is my Identity? How can I know my identity and purpose?”

In a tender loving-voice he heard these words from an old wise man: "Almost everyone is searching for their identity, and want to know their purpose in life. They look for it in dating, marriage for some, their jobs, etc. yet they always seem to be empty.”

"Why is this? What is our true identity and purpose?” Kalisa asked the old man.

"Well, let’s explore a little on, who you are, where you are going and what you are supposed to do, but first, what are you NOT?  Your identity is neither in your talents, gifts, wealth or poverty. Your identity is not the fact that you are kind, brainy in class or that you know the Bible like the back of your hand. Your identity is also not in your failures, your identity is not the fact that you are a sinner, neither is it your past. It doesn’t matter how much you have screwed up.

God doesn’t want you to take your identity from your failures, screw ups, your date or even your popularity. Now, if your identity is not in all that, then what does God intend to take your identity in?

He chose you before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. After all, why is it that you were born as you are, and not someone else?

In love, God predestined you to be adopted as his son through Jesus Christ in accordance to his will. You are chosen by God; you are Royalty!!! Isn’t that awesome to be part of God’s plan?

As Jesus was here too, he knew his identity and purpose as we find in John 8:14. "Your true identity is in GOD,” He said. What this means is that you don’t have to strive and perform for God; your identity is already perfectly secure and it can never be taken away from you, it’s always there for you.

Just rest in the fact that you are his child and he loves you and wants you to fulfill your purpose in life. This doesn’t mean you are a slave to God’s will but it means that; in Him is where we find our genuine freedom.

He doesn’t care what you have been through, because he loves using imperfect people because those are the ones, who can show his power. (David a shepherd boy became a king, Joseph, Gideon etc. taking reference from Bible stories).

God will help walk you through the healing of you brokenness and junk, since he desires freedom for his children. Now, in your everyday life, whatever you do, ask yourself if it’s in God’s will…there you shall find your true identity; it is found in obedience to the will of your creator.”

After listening to these words, Kalisa’s heart was relieved. He now had many resolutions running in his head.
"Thank you,” he said to the old man, but…

(To be continued next week)

The author is a S.6 student at Lycee De Kigali