Headmaster fired over pupil pregnancy

EASTERN PROVINCE   GATSIBO — The headmaster of Islamic Secondary School-Murambi, Asuman Muzeyimana was recently suspended by the school board allegedly over incompetence and the high rate of pregnancy of school girls.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


GATSIBO — The headmaster of Islamic Secondary School-Murambi, Asuman Muzeyimana was recently suspended by the school board allegedly over incompetence and the high rate of pregnancy of school girls.

According to sources, the decision was reached at a recent meeting with the regional supervisor of Islamic schools in Mutara and Byumba, Imam Hamduni Munyanziza and the Islamic governing body.

Last year, sources said, over ten students from the school commonly known by its French acronym as ESIM, were found pregnant and a member of staff was responsible for one of the cases.

Emanuel Nsengimana, a member of staff said that Muzeyimana was accused of failing to fully report the cases to management, which led to his sacking.

However, another teacher said the sacking was a result of the headmaster’s decision to fire the school disciplinary master Ismail Butambuka, against the wish of his regional supervisor [Munyanziza]

Butambuka said to be a relative to the Imam had allegedly been imprisoned after being caught at night with one of the affected students at his home in Kiramuruzi.

"This caused a conflict between the director of the school and the regional supervisor [Munyanziza], its climax was to fire him,” the teacher who asked not to be named said.

The new director of studies, who is also the acting headmaster of the school Celestine Habyabere, confirmed the sacking but did not confirm the allegations.  Several attempts to get a comment from Imam Munyanziza were also futile.

"We have begun the term with no other problems and we are only waiting for the high council to allocate us a new director,” Habyabere said.

Muzeyimana who led the school since 2005, has reportedly been transferred to Ecole Islamic-Rwamagana as a teacher.
