Fire burns petrol station

EASTERN PROVINCE   KAYONZA — Source Oil petrol station in Kayonza on Monday nearly got burnt after fire broke out, but was put out fast.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


KAYONZA — Source Oil petrol station in Kayonza on Monday nearly got burnt after fire broke out, but was put out fast.

The cause of the fire outbreak was not readily established but it paralyzed business before residents used sand and extinguishers from nearby Descantre petrol station to put it out.

As it started, drivers in the nearby Tax Park all drove off and anxious business owners at nearby buildings had begun panicking. 

Scores of passengers some with children who were waiting for the taxis all scattered in different directions to escape the inferno.

Residents blamed the fuel station managers for not installing modern fire extinguishers.

One of the staff only identified as James said the fire might have been caused by poor electrical installation.

He said since he had escaped the fire he would always be reluctant to work at fuel stations without necessary gadgets.
