33 officers of the Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) this week completed the Intermediate and Staff Course held at the Rwanda Military Academy (RMA) in Nyakinama. This is the first time such a course is held in Rwanda. It is part of the professionalisation and career advancement of officers in the RDF.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

33 officers of the Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) this week completed the Intermediate and Staff Course held at the Rwanda Military Academy (RMA) in Nyakinama. This is the first time such a course is held in Rwanda. It is part of the professionalisation and career advancement of officers in the RDF.

The graduating officers were urged to adhere to the values of patriotism and selfless service. Indeed these are historical values the RDF that have enabled it to play a critical role in safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation.

The humility of the many officers and men of the RDF has served that nation well in the history of the RDF. These are the same values that have ensured that the RDF plays an excellent vanguard role in peacekeeping missions in several parts of the world, and in defeating backward elements.

Indeed, as stated by the CDS, some who failed to live up to the values of the institution, have found themselves on the wrong side of history and it will judge them for their failures as officers.

In no way do they represent what makes the RDF; the strong and resilient institution that all Rwandans are proud of-a truly people’s army subordinate to civil authority.

Attempts by some individuals and organisations to tar the image of Rwanda, and specifically the RDF, will not succeed, given the shining record of the army and the determination and professionalism of the officers and men of  the RDF.
