Three heavy trucks involved in pileup

RWAMAGANA - Three Tanzanian registered trucks were involved in a major accident in Gahengeri sector, Rwamagana Friday night, but luckily, no on was seriously injured. The multi vehicle collision took place on the Kigali-Rwamagana highway near Nyagasambu trading centre.

Sunday, August 29, 2010
NARROW ESCAPE: A Driver (L) and his assistant (R) stand in front of their truck (Photo S. Rwembeho)

RWAMAGANA - Three Tanzanian registered trucks were involved in a major accident in Gahengeri sector, Rwamagana Friday night, but luckily, no on was seriously injured. The multi vehicle collision took place on the Kigali-Rwamagana highway near Nyagasambu trading centre.

The wreckage was strewn all over the highway, with the transmission and engine section of one truck thrown about 100 meters from the site of impact.

It took Magerwa towing machine hours to clear the debris from the road. Police said the accident could have been caused by brake failures.

"There are various stories, but the failure of the brakes could have led to the accident. There are signs of skidding on the road before the accident,” said police.

Nuru Saalum Katongore, 25, a driver of the truck that caused the accident suffered minor injuries on his legs.

Iddi Mwalimu, the driver of a truck belonging to PERUNGUNI Investment Company, Tanzania, said he was driving behind three other trucks, when the accident suddenly occurred.

"The trailer crushed into those in its way. The driver said it was brake failure…but even his age could have had a hand. You know, a young boy of 25 doesn’t have the required experience,” he said.

Pacifique Habimana, a resident of the area and the first at the scene, said that a big bang woke him up.

He said he woke up in the darkness only to find vehicle parts scattered all over the area.

"The heavy noise of the collision woke us residents, only to find the situation chaotic. We then called local leaders and security officials to save people. It is a miracle to see that no one died,” he said.
