Legislators participate in Umuganda

GICUMBI - 27 members of Parliament and Parliamentary employees yesterday participated in community work locally known as ‘Umuganda’, to lay a foundation for three classrooms under the Nine-Year Basic Education (9-YBE) programme at Groupe Scolaire Kageyo in Gicumbi District.

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Legislators participate in 9YBE Umuganda on yesterday.(Photo A.Gahene)

GICUMBI - 27 members of Parliament and Parliamentary employees yesterday participated in community work locally known as ‘Umuganda’, to lay a foundation for three classrooms under the Nine-Year Basic Education (9-YBE) programme at Groupe Scolaire Kageyo in Gicumbi District.

The legislators, led by the Vice President of the chamber of deputies, Denis Polisi, took part in laying the foundation together with Kageyo residents and District officials.

After the community work, Polisi called upon residents to put more effort in the construction of more 9-YBE class rooms so that more children access education.

"Ignorance is enemy number one in society, which is the reason Rwandans should put their resources together to have all children attend school,” he said.

He further called on residents to utilize time effectively in order to steer economic development in the entire country, through engaging in modern agriculture and livestock farming

"Time wasted cannot be recovered,” he noted.
The Governor of the Northern Province, Aime Bosenibamwe, reiterated the need for residents to multiply their efforts in order to accelerate development.

"We should emulate President Paul Kagame in his quest to accelerate development by multiplying our efforts seven fold,” said Bosenibamwe.

A resident of Gihembe Cell, Mediatrice Mukagasasira, hailed President Paul Kagame for spearheading gender equality, eradication of poverty among rural peasants and ushering in good governance.

"Women of Gihembe Cell are behind President Paul Kagame in his efforts to steer Rwanda to prosperity during his second term as President,” she said.
