‘Accountability is the key to performance’

EASTERN PROVINCE   RWAMAGANA — Citizens should hold their leaders accountable as the key to service delivery, Governor Theoneste Mutsindashyaka said. He made the remarks this Tuesday during a public accountability day organized by provincial leaders.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


RWAMAGANA — Citizens should hold their leaders accountable as the key to service delivery, Governor Theoneste Mutsindashyaka said.

He made the remarks this Tuesday during a public accountability day organized by provincial leaders.

Excited residents used the day to visit various offices asking their leaders to explain their policies and offer answers to areas presumed neglected.

It was the first time since the leaders signed this year’s performance contracts. However, for the first time since such a day was introduced, the leaders remained in their offices. Normally, it was held in the open place with residents raising their concerns by show of hands.

"It is a good thing to be given the chance to scrutinize the actions of our leaders because we are the beneficiaries.” one resident said. Land queries featured most among their pressing problems.

After hours of interacting with residents, Mutsindashyaka told reporters that it was paramount for residents to have a stake in development programs.

"This is an important day on which the leaders interact with residents to discuss the development policies in their area. It is meant to listen to their complaints and share ideas on their most pressing needs. Residents are free to contribute any developmental ideas.” he said.

Mutsindashyaka explained that, the day was organized at all levels; provincial, District, Sector and Cell levels.

"Reports reaching me indicate that the day has been successful. Holding a public accountability day has been one of our strategies to achieve a lot in the province.” he added.

He reaffirmed their commitment to maintain the lead in this year’s performance.

The east beat other provinces including Kigali city council in 2007 performance contracts. While Nyagatare district, in the east also beat other districts.

  "We were the first last year and we are determined to maintain the lead. It is not by mistake but the secret behind is just hard work,” Mutsindashyaka said.

He said the province is now focusing on settling residents in communal settlements [Imidugudu] and trading centers in an effort to create farm land for extensive production of specialized crops, in line with the government’s vision of economic revolution.

Mutsindashyaka expressed optimism in eastern districts scooping the first seven positions, in 2008 performance contracts.

According to Aline Mukantabana, director of good governance at the province, the essence of the day is to listen to the ideas of many young and enthusiastic minds whose ideas can be utilized to propel the country forward.

She noted that residents have a right to ask their elected leaders what has been done and or what is being done to develop their area. She stressed the need for constant monitoring and evaluation in order to ensure that pledges are implemented.
