Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia, I am a married mother of four and live with my husband, two of my sisters-in-law and my eldest sister who has never been married. Even though my elder sister is not married, she has a very good job and even has a car and a house she built. I have asked her so many times to go and live in her house, but she says she will be very lonely.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a married mother of four and live with my husband, two of my sisters-in-law and my eldest sister who has never been married. Even though my elder sister is not married, she has a very good job and even has a car and a house she built. I have asked her so many times to go and live in her house, but she says she will be very lonely.

What I have noticed is that she has become very close to my husband to an extent that she no longer drives to work, but is dropped and picked by my husband and they come home very late. I tried asking my husband about his relationship with my sister, but he says nothing. What do I do? People have started saying that something is cooking.


Dear Doreen,

Where there is smoke there is fire. If tongues have started wagging then something is definitely cooking. While your sister is your blood relative, your husband is not, therefore anyone who can tell you the truth is that sister of yours. She is the only one who will tell you the truth and you too might be able to tell the truth from just talking to her.

There is some element of truth when she tells you that she will be lonely, but then she should not take advantage of your respect and love for her as your elder sister and start having an intimate relationship with your husband. Time is nigh dear girl, call your sister and have a sisterly talk with her and after the conversation kindly ask her to pack her bags and leave your home before she breaks your marriage. Let her go to her house and take in some relatives to keep her company, if she is afraid of being lonely.

On the other hand do not push your husband too far, just wait and see his reaction when he comes to know about your sister moving out, from his reactions you will be able to tell whether there was already a relationship between them or not. Something else that you should be aware of, do not think at any given time that sending your sister away will stop your husband from cheating on you, in fact if there was any relationship at all between these two people, now it is when they will flourish away from under your nose. Best thing to do is ring your warning bells early enough to your sister, failure to which you will have to call upon the entire family members and inform them of her innuendos.

In the meantime as your sister is preparing to move out, try your best to attract your husband’s attention towards you and remind him about the things you used to do when the two of you met.

Also, if there are any single men you know out there, try your best and introduce them to your sister and see if anything good can come out of it. If it does, the better for both of you, so work hard girl and never let go.
