How they work : “How Keyloggers Work” (cont’d)”

Last time, were looking at Keyloggers, these devices (software and hardware) hide themselves in the system (i.e. they have rootkits functionality), which makes them fully-fledged Trojan programs.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Last time, were looking at Keyloggers, these devices (software and hardware) hide themselves in the system (i.e. they have rootkits functionality), which makes them fully-fledged Trojan programs.

 As such programs are extensively used by cyber criminals, detecting them is a priority for antivirus companies.   Trojan-Spy. Trojan-Spy programs, as the name suggests, track user activity, save the information to the user’s hard disk and then forward it to the author or ‘master’ of the Trojan.

The information collected  includes keystrokes and screen-shots, used in the theft of banking data to support online fraud.

The keyloggers are a threat in that, unlike other types of malicious program, keyloggers present no threat to the system itself. Nevertheless, they can pose a serious threat to users, as they can be used to intercept passwords and other confidential information entered via the keyboard.

As a result, cyber criminals can get PIN codes and account numbers for e-payment systems, passwords to online gaming accounts, email addresses, user names, email passwords etc. Once a cyber criminal has got hold of confidential user data, s/he can easily transfer money from the user’s account or access the user’s online gaming account.

Unfortunately access to confidential data can sometimes have consequences which are far more serious than an individual’s loss of a few francs or dollars. Keyloggers can be used as tools in both industrial and political espionage, accessing data which may include proprietary commercial information and classified government material which could compromise the security of commercial and state-owned organizations (for example, by stealing private encryption keys).

Keyloggers, phishing and social engineering are currently the main methods being used in cyber fraud. Users who are aware of security issues can easily protect themselves against phishing by ignoring phishing emails and by not entering any personal information on suspicious websites.

It is more difficult, however, for users to combat keyloggers; the only possible method is to use an appropriate security solution, as it’s usually impossible for a user to tell that a keylogger has been installed on his/ her machine.

In recent years, we have seen a considerable increase in the number of different kinds of malicious programs which have keylogging functionality.

No Internet user is immune to cyber criminals, no matter where in the world s/he is located and no matter what organization s/he works for.

One of the most publicized keylogging incidents recently was the theft of several millions from clients’ accounts at major western banks worldwide.