The Hater : I hate people who…

…pretend to know what to do yet they don’t. There are always some overzealous service providers who assume they know what you want yet they do not. The reason why I hate them is because they do not bother to ask in the first place. I hate those Moto drivers who rush to you and ask to take you home yet they do not even know where you stay.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

…pretend to know what to do yet they don’t.

There are always some overzealous service providers who assume they know what you want yet they do not. The reason why I hate them is because they do not bother to ask in the first place. I hate those Moto drivers who rush to you and ask to take you home yet they do not even know where you stay.

What about those barbers who claim to know the hairstyle you want but go on to mess up your head. I hate these ones more because a Moto driver can turn around and take the right direction but hair that has been removed cannot be replaced.   

…do not appreciate their insignificance in our lives.

It is a fact that all our phones allow us to save the contacts of the people who matter to us in life. I just have a lot of hatred for people who think they matter to us yet they really don’t.

I am talking about the ones you meet and after a short time they offer to give you their phone number yet you did not ask for it in the first place. Please Mr. Insignificant, it was nice meeting you but I don’t need your contact because I am not looking forward to meeting you again! Stop going around offering your number to everyone as if it’s an emergency line.  

…ask me for things I clearly do not have.

I still have beef and hatred for employers and people who sit on job interview panels. Why shouldn’t I when they almost always ask applicants for job experience yet many are just from school. Don’t they know that I was at the university studying Computer Science not Computer Experience? And besides, no one ever asks newly weds whether they have experience of being a father or mother.

Come to think of it, if you gave me this job, I would certainly get the experience you are so interested in. So why don’t you help me to help you?
…do not think before they make decisions.

This last entry is reserved for the people who work with RURA and ATRACO who decided to hike the cost of transport during what they called the rush hour. How can I not hate them when they have technically made it more expensive for my friends who have no cars to travel at the time when transport is most burdensome?

Why didn’t they just make a blanket increase instead of setting a price for a certain time? Now I see people running from office at 4:55pm to get in a taxi before 5:00pm when the transport hike takes place. I am so angry I have given up on taxis. As an angry Hater, I have resorted to walking.  

…cannot accept that they have made a mistake.

It is normal to make mistakes and even The Hater makes mistakes sometimes (by loving instead of hating). However it is clear foolishness when one fails to admit that a mistake has been made. I totally hate people who dial the wrong number and when you kindly inform them about it, the jokers insist that it is a correct number.

How on earth do you expect to win an argument based on such gross ignorance? I told you I am not Douglas and you are still insisting? Are you the one who baptised me?

Can’t you figure out that it’s more likely that you dialled the wrong number than Douglas having forgotten his name? Stop trying to play with my identity; I am The Hater not Douglas. By the way who the hell is Douglas?

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293.