Secret Life : Alexis Bayingana

Alexis Bayingana is one of the prosperous business men in town. Among other businesses, he is the director general of Alpha Palace Hotel. He is married and blessed with children.

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Alexis Bayingana

Alexis Bayingana is one of the prosperous business men in town. Among other businesses, he is the director general of Alpha Palace Hotel. He is married and blessed with children.

Below he shares with us about his life:

The first thing you do in the morning
I go direct to the bathroom

Greatest fear
Hurting any person irrespective of age
When are you happiest?

When my business is booming

Most memorable day
My wedding day

The most important thing life has taught you
Each and every person is important so should be treated the

Affectionate memory of your parents
Their love

What keeps you awake at night?
When I believe there is something wrong with friends

Greatest achievement
My hotel business because it’s not only important to me but the country as a whole

During your free time
I chat with my wife and children when I am at home and associate with different people at the work place

Retirement plans
I will build a house near my farm and dedicate my businesses to my children.