Perfect Weekend…. : Eric Mucyo

Eric Mucyo is an artist trying to promote the zouk genre. Does he get time to enjoy his weekends?Below he says his weekends are always perfect;

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Eric Mucyo

Eric Mucyo is an artist trying to promote the zouk genre. Does he get time to enjoy his weekends?
Below he says his weekends are always perfect;

After a tight schedule through the week, Friday ushers in my weekend. I head home to refresh before I meet or receive my friends.

We may either meet at my place or at any other friend’s place. We usually discuss various issues but what took place during the week usually dominates our conversation. Of course there is always a drink and at times some snacks.

On Saturday, I spend time at home watching, listening to and composing my music. I also carry out some personal work. The most important time, however, is when I share a meal with my family members.

I enjoy fish and meat with our local food like cassava and posho. In the evening, I do some physical exercise at home. Sunday is a free day after church.

I therefore spend it at home preparing for a busy Monday.
That makes my weekend perfect.