A day in the life of....: Laurent Munyankindi

Laurent Munyankindi is a one of the Gynaecologists at the University Teaching Hospital of Kigali (UTHK). At the hospital he acts as the head of department a responsibility that gives him an administrative task besides his professional one.

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Laurent Munyankindi

Laurent Munyankindi is a one of the Gynaecologists at the University Teaching Hospital of Kigali (UTHK). At the hospital he acts as the head of department a responsibility that gives him an administrative task besides his professional one. He must be a busy man. Below is how he manages his daily activities.

I wake up at 4:30a.m, refresh myself, take a glass of milk. I awake my children to organize and get to school before leaving for work. I may either go to work by taxi or private car but it is an obligation to get there before 6:45a.m.

Being head of the department, I check the night shift staff in order to assign other physicians. At 7:30, I attend a staff meeting then take up my office work.

I also use that time to carry out some administrative duties. Although having lunch depends on what I have on my table, at least 2p.m is latest.

I may either use the afternoon to attend to more patients or prepare transfer documents for some patients. I work until 4:30 or 5p.m.

If I happen to be using private means, I leave a bit early since I cannot drive at night. I am an old man as you see my sight is not very good especially at night.

I have supper at 9 and before I get to bed, I hold a brief conversation with my wife on how each of us spent the day, among other issues.
