Motoring corner : “Defensive Driving”

DEFENSIVE driving is a good way to ensure that one is not caught in a road accident. Here are some tips and techniques for defensive driving.  Defensive driving can be simply be described as an advanced training course in driving. This course aims to teach the driver to watch out for any dangerous situations in anticipation of mistakes of others or in other adverse conditions.

Friday, August 27, 2010

DEFENSIVE driving is a good way to ensure that one is not caught in a road accident. Here are some tips and techniques for defensive driving.  Defensive driving can be simply be described as an advanced training course in driving. This course aims to teach the driver to watch out for any dangerous situations in anticipation of mistakes of others or in other adverse conditions. Defensive driving aims at reducing the risks involved in driving. 

Good defensive driving instructions train and equip the driver with all the information necessary for improving the driving skills. Defensive driving takes the conscientiousness of the driver’s safety, as well as that of the other passenger’s safety.

The general safety instructions may include some of the following; Always assume the worst situation; students of the defensive driving techniques are trained to think about the worst situation scenario.

For example, students will expect that a vehicle indicating that it is about to turn will not turn. Vice versa, students will also expect that a vehicle not indicating a turn will unexpectedly turn or a vehicle joining the main road may not stop. Students are also cautioned to assume that any red signals, or stop signs will be ignored. In other words, you are always looking on and assuming that, the road user ahead of you will make a stupid mistake or worse still, you assume that, the other driver is an amateur and you are the only expert on the road!  

Many of the other drivers are not always capable of preventing an accident and so you should. They are also trained to watch out for drivers speaking on cell phones while driving.

Students of defensive driving will also assume that their vehicles have not been seen by any and every car on the road.  Defensive driving trains you to scan the road ahead and be geared for any future events.

They are also train one to have an eye on any and every vehicle signals, indicators and brake lights. Students are also taught to maintain road discipline and trained to avoid driving in "convoys”. They will either go ahead of the "convoy” or be at the end of it. While driving behind larger vehicles, students are trained to keep their line of sight clear.

Students are also trained to adjust their rear view mirrors as well as to avoid tinted window panes, keeping their windows transparent and clear. Students of the defensive driving technique are also trained to scan the road for any bicycles, motorcycles, pedestrians, potholes and animals. They are also trained to keep in mind any objects on the road. 

Best practioners of the defensive driving technique are trained not to drive either too fast or too slow. Also, they are trained never to do a U turn on a main road nor reverse into one. During bad weather conditions, students of the defensive driving technique will parking light or even headlamps, as some hazardous weather conditions can cause dangerous collisions due to lack of visibility They are also trained to switch off their fog light as soon as the visibility improves.

While driving, their hands should be either in the 9 O’clock and 3 O’clock position or the 10 O’clock and 2 O’clock position. These positions are known to be the safest hand positions while driving.

Students are also trained to always maintain an exit route, by keeping the space on both sides of their vehicles free, and also to drive on the outer lane of the main road. This makes it possible to back out or stop quickly in case of any problem in the vehicle.