It’s hot and dry, and everybody is complaining of the heat and the dust. During these hot and sultry days, our appetites decrease and it’s more important than ever to meet our daily nutrition requirements through eating whole and healthy foods. It is always evident that during this season, people get tired easily and other just lazy around.

Friday, August 27, 2010

It’s hot and dry, and everybody is complaining of the heat and the dust. During these hot and sultry days, our appetites decrease and it’s more important than ever to meet our daily nutrition requirements through eating whole and healthy foods. It is always evident that during this season, people get tired easily and other just lazy around.

To avoid being tired and the feeling of laziness, we are advised to eat foods which are not very heavy. Below are a few dishes to be considered during this season.


Pasta can be healthy or unhealthy, depending on its ingredients and how it is served.

Whole grain al dente pasta is much higher in fibre, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. It’s slowly absorbed into the bloodstream and doesn’t cause a blood sugar spike

This extra nutrition, slower absorption and high fibre helps protect against insulin resistance, constipation, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke at the same pasta does feel very heavy on the stomach, thus it is suitable for this hot season.

Fruits and vegetables

It’s hard to argue with the health benefits of a diet rich in vegetables and fruits: Lower blood pressure; reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and probably some cancers; lower risk of eye and digestive problems; and a mellowing effect on blood sugar that can help keep appetite in check.

Salads are an easy way to combine grains, fruits and meats in one dish, with perhaps some tomatoes, sweet onions, and cucumbers etc. Salads are a great way of adding variety to our meals, keeping healthy, or sometimes just using up what we have in the fridge.

Last but not least, we should not forget to take at least 8 glasses of water every day to replace the lost water through sweating. Parents should remember to pack at least a two litre bottle of water to the school going children, this is because children are highly active and thus loose a lot of water in the process. Lack of water intake during this season can cause dehydration to both adults and children. To avoid laziness and the tiredness feeling, eat light foods and take enough water and stay healthy throughout the season.


Fish is one of the best foods that can help you during this hot season because it contains lesser oil and it has proteins and minerals that you need. When you buy fish from the market, choose one that contains low amounts of fat.

If you can find a white fish then go with that since it is great for grilling. It is because it contains plenty of protein, Vitamin A, B, E, and D that your body requires during this season.

But most importantly, the most nutrients that this kind of fish can give you are protein and Vitamin B. Eating fish daily can help you reduce the chances of cancer, heart disease and stroke. Another great factor why white fish is really good for the diet is that it lowers the blood pressure and cholesterol intake
