TRUE MAN : He is God fearing

Don’t we men like to believe that we are the ultimate as far as authority goes, at least in our own private little worlds? But the truth is there are way too many layers of authority above an ordinary man that we are but mere mortals. But even the fact of mortality isn’t enough to stop some of us from going ahead, and living like we are savages.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Don’t we men like to believe that we are the ultimate as far as authority goes, at least in our own private little worlds?

But the truth is there are way too many layers of authority above an ordinary man that we are but mere mortals. But even the fact of mortality isn’t enough to stop some of us from going ahead, and living like we are savages.

The fact is to be God-fearing you have to believe that God exists. And that God wants you to be a good person. Then, the fear of God, actually, the fear of annoying the Man up there will keep you in check.

Of course a man can be a Christian and not God-fearing. This is mostly the case these days, because being a Christian is a social lifestyle. To be God-fearing is to put into practice what you learn in church.

And how do you do it; by being a humble guy, someone who knows that they are not the end of the line in terms of authority, and that there is an authority far greater than him. It affects how he deals with everyone and everything around him, because he is aware that the Great Man is watching.

Believe me, it is a very good thing, like many wives who are married to God-fearing men will tell you.  Women who have God-fearing men understand and appreciate the usefulness of this virtue.

A godless man can do just about anything. He cares about nothing, and he respects nothing besides himself. He knows that whatever he does ends here, and he is not answerable to anyone.

Men have an unlimited capacity for violence and inhumane acts. A man without a restraint can be dangerous. Thus, a true man needs the fear of God to put him in line.  Family wise, that fear of God will be passed on to the children, and there is a higher chance that those children will be more responsible citizens than those that come from a Godless home.

A god fearing man is also very forgiving, since he is compassionate. He lets go of grudges, he understands that to err is human.

A true man is not afraid to say he fears God, because by admitting to that, he is actually showing that he is not afraid to come face to face with his destiny.  When, in an age of smugness and softness, fear has been pushed temporarily into the dark corners of personality and society, then soon the gods of terror, murder and inhumane acts return.

On a personal scale, compare it to a man who has no fear of the law, and he knows that he can torment his wife and get away with it.  To fear to commit evil, and to hate what is abominable, is the mark of manliness.

Finally, something we learnt in nursery school, but perhaps which is one of the most important lessons of life; ‘The fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom.’