Rachel’s Ramblings : Love gone sour

One of my favorite songs of all time is Usher’s ‘Can you help me’ that was on his 8701 album. One line in his lyrics says, ‘Life’s a prison when you’re in love alone’. I wonder what it’s like to be in love with someone who either fell out of love with you or didn’t love you at all to begin with.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

One of my favorite songs of all time is Usher’s ‘Can you help me’ that was on his 8701 album. One line in his lyrics says, ‘Life’s a prison when you’re in love alone’.

I wonder what it’s like to be in love with someone who either fell out of love with you or didn’t love you at all to begin with.

Many times we hear and read about stories of people who have taken extreme measures to keep their loved ones. People do all sorts of crazy things for reasons only known to them—they become stalkers.

Stalkers aren’t even aware of what they are doing. Some women find lurking in the trees around a guys place normal, or calling the guys number on some strange phone and then hanging up the jiffy they hear the guys’ voice is not something that bothers them in the least.

In some cases you can trace a slight disturbance in a person’s character therefore if things turn sour you shouldn’t be surprised. When your girl throws a tantrum if you so much as blink in a direction she doesn’t approve, beware. If you come back home a second after the usual 6:00 p.m she’s puffing like you’d spent the night out, be ware.

This is not just insecurity but madness. What I don’t get are the ones who have never been in a relationship with the person they are stalking, poor lad isn’t even aware of this lunatic’s existence who has him monitored like he’s in the Big Brother House!

Obsession has everything to do with stalking someone. Whether it’s the looks or the sexual prowess stalking is not right.

Going after a guy is one thing and stalking him till you terrify him to his very soul is completely another! If you’ve watched Fatal Attraction you should know what I mean. I can’t imagine coming back home only to realize some deranged ex has cooked my pet!

Then what puzzles me even more is after doing all these crazy things, does this person honestly believe that they still have a chance? Because it usually turns out to be ‘if I can’t have you then nobody can,’ and we all know how that ends up. Six feet under the ground to be exact.

Never let yourself believe that you can’t live without a man because you totally can. Loving him is not wrong and I’m sure most women have been through that phase where you date this guy and all you can see when you look at him are wedding bells but when things come to a sad end, give yourself some space from him and see just how well you can go on without him.

These things are just so unpredictable. Sometimes they work out, sometimes they don’t. But don’t be starving yourself and crying at the guys doorstep every night claiming you are going cuckoos and that your life is about to end if he doesn’t come back to you. No man is worth the trouble.
