The bottom line is better payment

As a regular reader of the New Times, I appreciate every effort made to let us know what is happening in the country and abroad. Recently I read an upsetting report in which medical personnel are daily finding greener pastures overseas and yet the number of qualified personnel in Rwanda is growing less by the day.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

As a regular reader of the New Times, I appreciate every effort made to let us know what is happening in the country and abroad. Recently I read an upsetting report in which medical personnel are daily finding greener pastures overseas and yet the number of qualified personnel in Rwanda is growing less by the day.

Rwanda lies in fifth position among seven African countries seriously facing this same problem but this does not help us in any way because we will still continue lagging behind while others prosper in development.

Sine the Minister of Health Dr Jean Damascene Ntawukuriryayo acknowledged the facts, there needs to be concerted effort in order to deal with this anti-developmental factor.

You and I know well enough that these citizens are rushing for some good money abroad. I therefore suggest that the government gives better salaries such that it can be able to contain its very own professionals. Otherwise, we shall continue losing them.