Government to promote biogas

RUHANGO - the government will finance the construction of biogas systems worth over Rwf192million in three major schools in the southern province.

Sunday, August 22, 2010
State Minister for Infrastructure, Eng. Colette Ruhamya

RUHANGO - the government will finance the construction of biogas systems worth over Rwf192million in three major schools in the southern province.

St. Joseph Kabgayi, Ecole des Sciences Byimana, and Notre Dame de Lourdes,  located in Muhanga and Ruhango districts respectively, will be the first beneficiaries.

These pilot schools will however have to contribute 20% of the total cost of the construction of the plants.

"The government intends to extend the programme to various institutions and communities in a bid to improve the social welfare of residents,” State Minister of Infrastructure, Eng. Colette Ruhamya said.

She added that residents should be able to graduate from using firewood and other costly sources of energy and adopt  cheaper environmentally friendly means.

The state minister also toured the schools where the construction of biogas digesters has already kicked off.
51 experts are currently being trained in collaboration with Tumba College of Technology, so as disseminate the technology countrywide and fill the gap of lack of technicians in the biogas construction projects.

The head teacher of Notre Dame d’Lourde, Sr. Marie de la Charité Mukamukiga, stated that the government support will cut down on the cost of firewood used in schools.

"The school spent over Rwf5 millions on firewood in 2009. This was costly and yet unavoidable,” she said.  
