Banana farming to be commercialized-RADA

KIREHE -The growing of bananas in Rwanda and in the Eastern Province is set to be commercialized. This was revealed by Dr. Charles Murekezi, a consultant with Rwanda Agricultural Development Agency (RADA).

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Anastazi Rwabizinkwaya demonstrating the proper way of banana planting in Gatore village, Kirehe (Photo S. Rwembeho)

KIREHE -The growing of bananas in Rwanda and in the Eastern Province is set to be commercialized.

This was revealed by Dr. Charles Murekezi, a consultant with Rwanda Agricultural Development Agency (RADA).
He was addressing over 100 banana growers, who had just completed a seven-day training in Gatore Sector in Kirehe District.

Murekezi pointed out that the Eastern Province has been earmarked as having land suitable for extensive banana plantations.

He revealed that RADA has a program to help farmers increase productivity of bananas.

The consultant remarked that the training is aimed at equipping farmers with the requisite skills and knowledge in the field.

"It is a crop that earns both the rural and urban populations income…It has both the national and international markets potential. Demand for bananas is high which is why we want to improve the quantity and quality,” he said.

"Bananas are grown purposely because of their nutritional value, and of course, for commercial purposes. We thus cannot afford its low productivity anymore.”

Anastazi Rwabizinkwaya the chairman of Gatore Kampara Banana Cooperative said the profits accrued in banana growing are enormous.

He said that Cooperative members have greatly benefited since they started growing bananas for commercial purposes.

"We have accumulated a capital of Rwf 20 million so far…members of the cooperative are doing well in their homes and make ends meet easily in contrast to when they were still growing in a non-commercial way,” he said.

Livingstone Bagabo, a banana grower in Gatsibo, said that the future of farmers is bright with commercial orientation.
"We used to grow bananas in non profitable traditional ways. Few sweet bananas for sell and eating and that was all! But with this kind of sensitization, I see us making huge profits in the near future,” he said.

The government has invested heavily in the promotion of bananas, by training farmers and controlling pests and diseases affecting the crop.
