Southern Sudan congratulates Kagame

KIGALI - SOUTHERN Sudan has welcomed the re-election of President Paul Kagame for a second term, saying that it is a democratic milestone that the country has achieved since RPF took over power from the former dictatorial government.

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Ambassador John Andruga Duku

KIGALI - SOUTHERN Sudan has welcomed the re-election of President Paul Kagame for a second term, saying that it is a democratic milestone that the country has achieved since RPF took over power from the former dictatorial government.

In an exclusive interview with Ambassador John Andruga Duku, former Sudanese Ambassador to Europe, said the re-election of Kagame is a justification of the  political, economic and social development the country has achieved as well as portraying a democratic picture to the entire African continent.

"We as southern Sudan congratulate President Paul Kagame for having won the election… this shows that Rwandans are focused on the development which has been championed by the RPF since it took over power.”

Duku said that Rwanda is on the right path in terms of democracy and economic development in the region and the African continent. He added that Kagame’s leadership has proved wrong all those who thought that the country will never rise again after what happened in 1994.

"There are many African countries which attained independence from the colonial masters before your country Rwanda, but they are still lagging behind in terms of economic transformation and democratic processes due to lack of visionary leaders like Kagame,” he said.

"What matters is not the population or size of the country, it’s only the capacity and the focus of citizens as well as the good leadership. Rwanda is small in size but it has a lot to deliver to the African continent, and African leaders should learn more from your president”.

Daku at the same time commended the role Rwanda Defence Forces has played in peace keeping in Darfur adding that the Sudanese have benefited from the services of RDF.

He, however, appealed to East African countries and the international community to assist Sudan to ensure that next year’s referendum in Southern Sudan is free and fair, adding that it’s the responsibility of those communities to maintain peace in the region.
