The Hater : I hate people who…

…have a habit of asking irrelevant questions. I used to think that the people who sit on job interview panels were bright people. Well not anymore. I think they are some of the dumbest people you will ever find. And on top of that I also hate them for asking stupid questions like, “Why do you want this job?” What kind of question is that? Dude, I have bills to pay, I want to buy a car and build a house.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

…have a habit of asking irrelevant questions.

I used to think that the people who sit on job interview panels were bright people. Well not anymore. I think they are some of the dumbest people you will ever find. And on top of that I also hate them for asking stupid questions like, "Why do you want this job?” What kind of question is that? Dude, I have bills to pay, I want to buy a car and build a house.

Therefore I need a job or else I will become a thief and steal from you. How about that? Did you think I was some kind of ‘employment tourist’? These fellows have made me hate applying for jobs so much that I have sworn to remain The Hater for life.  

…pretend they have forgotten me when we meet on the street.

At first I thought that having gone to school and having old boys and girls was a very cool thing but my perceptions are quickly changing.

They have actually changed to hatred because I have started hating my former school mates who pretend not to remember me when we meet on the street. The funny thing is that these are the same guys who used to ask me to help them with their class work back in the day.

Some of them now think I want something from them. Please, I am doing pretty fine and if you don’t want to say hello to me, you can go to hell. The devil will be glad to greet you.  

…do things without consulting those concerned.

Have you ever been sitting in a taxi by the window and suddenly the person behind you pushes the window without informing you? This often results in the window staining your shirt. Now give me one reason why I should not hate such jokers and I will tell you why you deserve a beating.

I hate these people so much and one of these days I think I just might slap someone for not using their heads. I wonder why ATRACO even allows us to continue sitting four people per row in those old rickety taxis. If it is 2010 and Rwanda is developing very fast, can someone tell me what these small taxis are still doing on our roads? 
…call me and talk for ages because of telecom promotions.

I don’t know whether the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority is aware of the torture I am going through these days because of the promotions from the different telecom companies. In case they didn’t know, I hate people who call me and want to talk for hours saying nothing sensible just because MTN zone is at 90 percent, or they are calling for 10 francs on Tigo. As if that is not enough, Rwandatel has just presented a cheaper offer. I think I made a big mistake to be rich and own different phones with different lines. But there is nothing wrong with me hating people who only remember me when there is a promotion.

…do not know the importance of this column.

 Apart from participating in this year’s presidential elections the second most important thing this year is for you to continue or to start reading this column every Sunday.

If you have been reading this column on a regular basis then you will humbly join me to hate my colleague at The New Times who for some reason forgot to post the column onto the internet version of the paper last week, thus limiting my hate scope. Yes I hate you without fear or favour.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293.