Weekly review

ATRACO to be restructured The commuter transport association, ATRACO, is set to undergo restructuring in order to be transformed into a profit- making entity. This was revealed mid this week at a meeting that published the findings from an inquiry into the alleged mismanagement of the association.  It was found out that there were some anomalies in the management of the association, though it was not alarming as some complaints had made it sound.

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Local Government Minister James Musoni (L), ATRACO,s Dodo Twahirwa and Kigali City Mayor Aisa Kirabo (C) after a meeting on the transport companyu2019s situation on wednesday. (Photo J Mbanda)

ATRACO to be restructured

The commuter transport association, ATRACO, is set to undergo restructuring in order to be transformed into a profit- making entity.

This was revealed mid this week at a meeting that published the findings from an inquiry into the alleged mismanagement of the association.  It was found out that there were some anomalies in the management of the association, though it was not alarming as some complaints had made it sound.

The adhoc committee that examined the association was put in place following President’s visit to Nyabugogo Taxi Park in May.

Speaking at the meeting, the minister of local Government James Musoni said that there was need to restructure ATRACO and turn it into an organized entity in line with the current national policies. The association which has 1,684 members has in the past been marred by counter-accusations between members and leadership of the association, the association is currently headed by Col (Rtd) Ludovic Twahirwa.
GTZ commits Rwf 39m to standards awareness

The German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) has donated Rwf 39million to support Rwanda Bureau of Standards in a move to create standards awareness. The support will facilitate in training the Rwandan business community to meet the regional and international standards.

This was revealed during the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between, the Director General of Rwanda Bureau of Standards Dr.Mark Bagabe, and Thomas Bendenbecker, the sector Programme Coordinator of the sustainable Economic Development sector on behalf of GTZ.

ICTR to begin two new trials

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) will, by the end of the year, begin two new trial cases involving a former mayor of Kivumu Commune, Gregoire Ndahimana and former intelligence officer Eldephonse Nizeyimana.

The trial of Ndahimana, according to the ICTR calendar commences early next month while that of Nizeyimana will take place in November.

Ndahimana Is charged with genocide, complicity to commit genocide, and extermination as crimes against humanity, while Nizeyimana is charged with genocide or complicity in the alternative, as well as rape as a crime against humanity. Nizeyimana was arrested in Uganda last year after he sneaked into the country from the Democratic Republic of Congo by bus at the Bunagana border post.

Police cracks on cars with tinted windows

Police last week, started a major crackdown on cars with tinted windows across the country as away of curbing crimes committed under the cover of tinted paper placed on the windows of vehicles. The operation saw about 70 vehicles impounded for a few hours and later released after police removed the tint papers.

Speaking to The New Times, the Traffic police boss, Chief Supt. Vincent Sano said that although owning a tinted vehicle is not illegal, some people have used the tint for wrong reasons.

"This is an operation that follows a number of security meetings that resolved to have tint paper removed from all vehicles .We started with top officials in the army and police as way of sending the massage to the entire public” he said. 

Former FDLR rebels repatriated

58 people, mainly former combatants of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) militia and their family members, this week arrived in the country after they voluntarily decided to put down arms and return home.

The group mainly composed of middle aged men and youthful former fighters together with their wives and children arrived at Kigali International Airport aboard a chartered flight.
