Live fully before you die

It was interesting to read. “Life after death” in one Saturday issue of The New Times. What happens after death, nobody knows. One has to reach the other world, wherever it is to know about it.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It was interesting to read. "Life after death” in one Saturday issue of The New Times. What happens after death, nobody knows. One has to reach the other world, wherever it is to know about it.

There are   stories   of supernatural   experiences of some people just before their death. But whether it is hallucinations due to terminal illness or some actual contact with angels or spirits is controversial.

Death is one sure thing to happen in everybody’s life. But unfortunately many people do not,” live” when alive.

Some people worry and fret unnecessary over small issues. They are forever grumbling and complaining. If only they realized how they are wasting the precious time at hand, here on planet earth, they would not have behaved so.

A person should learn to take things in their stride. If you have a solution for some problem, solve it. If none, then wait for it to settle with time. For small inconveniences, it is always better to treat them as something amusing to narrate to your friends later on.

Similarly some people are always full of bitterness. They memorize by heart all slights, real and imaginary meted out to them by other people and remember that at every occasion. But by doing so, they gain nothing except unhappiness for themselves.

One should try to progress mentally and forgo such incidences. If you do not like somebody, keep contact with him to the minimum but why spoil your mental peace over that person?

Life as such is full of discrepancies, which are unexplained. For example, exposed to the same environment some people fall sick, while others keep good health.  A person may find a plum job unexpectedly, while another with the same qualification may struggle to find a suitable job. 

There are some lucky people, born with a silver spoon. But for some, life is a constant struggle. There are countless such examples. Now if a person starts getting tense about such a situation, his own mental and physical health would be spoilt. 

There is theory of, "karma”, from ancient India. It states that whatever good or bad deeds (Karma) you do in life, you have to account for it whether in this or in another birth. So what good you are getting, is because of some good actions in the past, and whatever harassment you face from any quarter is because you would have harassed somebody else in a similar manner in a past life.

Now nobody knows for sure whether there is rebirth after life or not, but this theory is very soothing to the mind if one is worried about seeing how life has been unjust for him.

If one looks around him he can observe how fragile life is. An accident, a severe heart attack or brain hemorrhage, in fraction of a second, a person can go from this world to another. Therefore it is important to live life as long as one is alive.

Many individuals consider they should eat, drink and be merry all time to enjoy life, as it is short. It is good to enjoy pleasures, provided it is harmless for self and others. But it should be remembered, that life is too precious to be wasted away totally on frivolous activities.

Human form should be considered a precious gift. One should make the best use of it, in betterment of self and society in a positive way.

If majority of people start putting this into action, the world would become a safer, peaceful and enjoyable place to stay in.  There would be greater development benefiting all.
