Law on female prostitutes is unfair

Many a times, people find it rather difficult to acknowledge whether it is the male or female sex workers who ought to be considered prostitutes. This disturbing issue has seen many nations’ laws worldwide brand the females as prostitutes.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Many a times, people find it rather difficult to acknowledge whether it is the male or female sex workers who ought to be considered prostitutes. This disturbing issue has seen many nations’ laws worldwide brand the females as prostitutes.

One fact for sure is that prostitution is any sexual act between male and female involving the exchange of money. This therefore implies that both parties are responsible for the outcome and are thus prone to be labeled prostitutes.

In effect, if both parties are involved in the trade, then, the law should include both male and female prostitutes. The women should not be left to suffer under the law as the men walk away scoot free. One other thing you should not forget is that many of these women find their way on the street in hope of ending the poverty in which they are trapped.

If the law does not treat this different sex in the same way, then, there is a degree of unfairness on the part of the women. And if things continue this way, then, each one has the task of protecting the women. The men should also be ready to accept responsibility of their prostitution acts.