Rubavu Mayor hands over

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — District outgoing mayor, Ramadan Baringayabo, who led the district since 2005, last week handed over power to his successor Everest Bizimana.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


RUBAVU — District outgoing mayor, Ramadan Baringayabo, who led the district since 2005, last week handed over power to his successor Everest Bizimana.

Handing over the mantle, in Gisenyi town, Baringayabo observed that leadership was about sacrifice and commitment to move citizens out of poverty.

"A good leader works for the benefits of the people and cooperates with his subjects. Unity, respect for all people and a spirit of togetherness with his fellow leaders are important," he said.

He lauded residents and all local leaders for supporting him during his term, saying Rubavu could not have achieved a lot of success without the support of his subordinates. He also thanked God for not departing him during ‘trying moment.’

"I also thank the Almighty God for not leaving me in times of troubles and difficulties. Rubavu in the past years faced rebel threats from FDLR, but with God’s assistance we managed to overcome the Interahamwe who were a big threat to the area. I had so many hardships during my leadership but God was always with me," he said.

He thanked the government for supporting him during his term of office and the support it has provided to the people towards economic development.

In his acceptance speech, Bizimana who received a symbolic gift of a shield and spear, promised to be exemplary and work hard towards the development of the district.

He described his predecessor as a leader, whose office was always open to listen to his subjects and always had time to move to sector and Imidugudu levels to identify people’s problems.

Bizimana promised to work closely with leaders at all levels towards the achievement of the district’s performance contacts-Imihigo- for 2008, improve security, justice and guide residents in the fight against poverty.

The district coordinator, Marcel Rwabutogo, who was the chief guest at the function, thanked the out going mayor for the work rendered to the district and urged Bizimana to ‘start from where he stopped in addressing challenges that still face the district.’

Baringayabo resigned his position recently claiming he was going to purse further studies. His resignation however, created speculation among residents.

Some claimed he had been compelled to resign by the provincial authorities on account of poor service delivery and lack of academic qualifications, which claims were dismissed as baseless, by the governor Penelope Kantarama.

Baringayabo served in different capacities since 1995. He served as a prefect of former Gisenyi prefecture, as head of former Rwerere commune, before becoming the mayor in December 2005.
