Red Cross volunteers donate to vulnerable persons

GICUMBI - Red Cross Rwanda volunteers from Gicumbi District, yesterday, donated an assortment of items to vulnerable residents of Ngodore Cell of Byumba Sector in Gicumbi District. Antoine Ndayisenga, a beneficiary of the donations from Ngondore hailed Red Cross Rwanda for their humanitarian gesture.

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Red Cross volunteers march past guests at Gicumbi stadium yesterday (Photo A.Gahene)

GICUMBI - Red Cross Rwanda volunteers from Gicumbi District, yesterday, donated an assortment of items to vulnerable residents of Ngodore Cell of Byumba Sector in Gicumbi District.

Antoine Ndayisenga, a beneficiary of the donations from Ngondore hailed Red Cross Rwanda for their humanitarian gesture.

In addition, Red Cross Rwanda Gicumbi District volunteers donated pigs, goats, chicken and goats to their fellow volunteers, as a gesture of love and good will.

The Northern Province Red Cross Rwanda coordinator, Eugene Karangwa, called on participants to be imbibed with the qualities of humanitarian assistance, because it is the only way to cement love and unity among Rwandans. 

"Red Cross humanitarian activities constitute the backbone of all humanitarian activities carried out by Red Cross Rwanda in the entire country,” said Karangwa.

A representative of Gicumbi District authorities, Elie Nzabarinda, said the District is committed to working in close collaboration with Red Cross Rwanda to eradicate poverty in the area.

"Red Cross Rwanda is our partner in development,” said Nzabarinda. 
